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Northwest Superthread II(without crappy flicks)


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  • joshu




  • buckbang


  • oe800


Good afternoon to you police officers out there in 12 oz land. May I make a suggestion? Or rather, a few?


Would you please refrain from trying to pit us against each other and, instead, share what you know about the game of graff. Because, undoubtedly, you are a part of it. Sometimes a large part and other times not so much. This is is a great chance to get to know your enemies.


VANDALISCIOUS, are there writers out there that you respect? Have you ever been wowed by any particular article of graffiti, or is it all noise to you? As of now, your 12 oz persona is needy and very negative, lets try to round that out a bit by giving a compliment here and there, who knows? Maybe some of these saps will begin to trust you and eventually you could use that in favor of your idealistic rubbish. Let's be nice VANDALISCIOU$$$$$$. Incidentally, are you a fan of FERGIE? mE too.


Now I want all the cops out there to listen up: Are you tired of coming on here and pretending to be what you think we are and getting no results? Do you wake up at night with that one witty line that seems so promising, it makes you feel a sense of security on your all but fruitful hunt for taggers but when you post that shit it's just not all that you thought it was? Does 3A make you so angry that you take it out on your beautiful, complacent and submissive bitch of a wife? Do you feel like a jerk afterwards and try to cuddle with her and watch a little romantic comedy but you feel an ever growing omnipresent hollowness?


You do? Well shit! I say you need to change your 12 oz strategy! I say you need to do what very few other detectives would dare! POST FLICKS! Everyone knows the cops take flicks. And, well fuck, the cops have a shit ton of flicks just sitting in boxes, waiting to be swapped among the hungry minds of all the talent here on 12 0z. I personnally would love to see the one piece I did that I was so proud of, couldn't sleep at night thinking how I'd progressed with that one piece, only to return to the scene of the crime to find a tacky buffmark over the whole thing... Or how about young tommy's collection of the pikeplacewall or gasworks from the early nineties that got confiscated when johnny five raided his mom's house? Boy, if VANDALISCIOUS were to do that, I sure would trust him and we could PM eachother all day,, and eventually meet up with the little dude only to find out it's Det. Hardin's gofer! No way! BUSTED!! This could be the end all solution to your frustration at home AND in the workplace. Sound nice? Give it a shot! You can do it! Share history and get to know that little tagger rapscallion and when you finally catch the bugger through all your devotion to building up little timmys trust, you'll say, "IT WAS WORTH IT!"


Right, Guys?????

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