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Guest Prae1Boston

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lol i've painted more pieces than you have handstyles so please dont tell me lol online hah




demr, i don't really know if this is some kind of an act your puting on to look cool or if your mentally stupid, but your the dumbest fucking person i've ever seen type anything in my life. What the fuck are you talking shit about flixxx for. Hes on this forum to help people trying to learn and faggets like yourself get jelous and can't take seeing someone being better than you so you try to make fun of him. What the fuck kind of diss is that? "'ve painted more pieces than you have handstyles".... I would be willing to bet money that you could paint 10 pieces every day for the rest of your life and never amount to half of what he is. You notice how nobody else talks shit? its not cuz they don't know how.. they just aren't such immature little bitches and don't have to get all pissed every time they see something good... now you really need to shut the fuck up right now before you make yourself look even more stupid because theres nowhere you can go with this.

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Guest Plaid Fill-ins


Yo everyone, posted some throw ups a while ago..i think i have improved a bit tho from then. Any advice/feedback? There is some good shit in here, peace!

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