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this may ruffle some feathers but im going to just say what i feal and it is what it is no beef or bullshit.....if i was from another city and this was my intro to baltimore graf this article than how sad as a city and as a town with style masters to be represented in this way....it said i quote kos a very relavent crew in bmore...........no disrespect yall made it known ya here and all that but historicly speaking in regards to baltimore kos has not achieved that yet yall are young and on your way but be honest about it this is not to discredit you guys as a crew just a statement of facts...........and the pictures oh lord let me stop ..........bmore stand up dont let the fakers fake master your craft and take that shit serious its a reason cats like t-kid is getting $7000.00 a canvas and shit like that if you invest in yourself as a buisness think about you as a product and understand there is more than drinking with ya boyz and killen a few cans of black writing your name on ghetto corners ya feal me.....................karock dst ba ksw sa km phc id blt elw ..................

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