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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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yes it is good, lemonade and chex mmm


i think some reefer smoke has leaked into my room from my roommate shit smells strong, bastard. i would go make myself some breakfast but i dont feel like getting up. i know that motherfucker is smoking out

why the shit cant he go outside? i have to go outside to smoke cigarettes

what the crap?

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gluecifer is rock pure and simple

but they do have a bit of something else i cant explain


ooo now im listening to


nekromantix- dial 666 bit of psychobilly


which will be followed by


damnation- shut the hell up im thinking they will be the misfits of now

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my friends are great...since krazyfest is this weekend me and my band are having our 3 days kegger as I am sure I have mentioned before...I go over to the house we are having it at to add my money fot he purchase of kegs and they had made

7 gallons of jungle juice....It was one gallon of everclear and 6 gallons of fruit punch plus cherries, strawberries, and water mellon and a little cantelope for a nice twist. So there is 7 gallons of alcohol poisoning in the fridge at the party house.


needless to say I will be missing fromt eh board most of the weekend. But i plan to take pictures and if I can get them scanned I will post them up for the dpc and the nightowls veiwing pleasure.

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Guest willy.wonka



devilush's man is damn lucky..inspires me to do what i want need to do to get this girl april..devilush is a sweetheart though..i shoulda met her a long time ago and drank wisky with her....damn im stupid for that..im sure i would have enjoyed her company too..all these pic of boobies just makes me wanna see pics of them with thier clothes on..that last pic of dlush did it for me though.."intoxicating"

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Guest willy.wonka

im trying to find a way i can enter this contest..i would do it the same way dlush did it..."as a joke,the exact same way"

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i hereby declare

i hate the strokes

their music is all the same

and not in a good ac/dc way

they suck

i hope they fall off an iceberg and freeze to death slowly

it also doesnt help that the drummer is seeing drew barrymore

fuck him! i will kill him with a spoon!

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