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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

i bought my 8-ball at a yardsale when i was like 7 because I thaught it would help me with my homework.


you tardmaster! :lol:


dont worry i used to eat that stuff that comes with new shoes

you know the stuff that looks like crack and keeps moisture out of the box

well i ate it because i thought it helped me run faster


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Originally posted by Zack Morris

they stuff that was clearly marked DO NOT EAT!!!


yea yea yea i was like 6 what the fuck did i care

hey maybe it does make you run faster

and the man doesnt want you to know


think about it, it does come with shoes

shoes are for running sometimes

therefore i concur that it

makes me run faster


i need to get a stockpile of that stuff

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oh shit that picture reminds me!


tonite at the hooka bar my friend smoked a bit too much weed

and drank a bit too much and smoked a bit too much hooka

and ate a few too many gummyworms


and he ended up puking all over the carpet floor

we all left him there well he was puking and moved to the other side

of the room with a quickness


i have never seen so much puke in my life!

the puddle was about 5 foot wide and about 2 inches deep


fuckin gross


and you could see the gummyworms perfectly floating in the puddle


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Originally posted by Zack Morris

what does that stuff taste like?




I bet it dehydrates you


i bet it does some nasty shit in your stomach

but i really cant remember a distinct taste

and my new shoes didnt come with any

so i cant find out right now

ill keep you posted though

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