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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

nice on the 79 playboy..i love classic shit...

conan...striking fear into the hearts of young children....



oh!did i mention that i have a crackhead on my couch?he comin off drugs as we speak..gonna have to wash everything after he leaves to florida..fuckin sweatin the funk if you know what i mean..my homegirl saw him and was in shock...cause he use to be big..now he looks as if somebody shoved a straw up his ass and sucked the fat out of his face and neck...a sad sad sight...

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Guest willy.wonka

dude,i need money..i was invited to go on a trip with my homie,his girl,and this other girl and this other girl named April,the girl of my dreams...going to vegas.so we would be staying in hotels.im not filthy rich,so i know the invite was to get a little freaky with this girl..cause we all know how we feel about each other..my homeboy knows i would make it into her room..i never try to mess around cause she has a fatass boyfriend...that has no money..i have no money...im a loser either way..

this girl looks better that ARIANA and PATRICIA!!! but looks like them..


damn......i got turned down for 3 positions this week..i feel like a loser..

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Guest mcpeepants

im a loser too, i hooked up with a gurl last night and got the shaft today. tear. well i know hoping shell call later is a lost cause, oh man i thought teres no way id get sucked in like this. this kinda shit hasnt happened since highschool.

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im so glad i went out for a smoke

tonite is trash night and well one of my roommates

took it upon himself to drag the rear frame of my truck which i cut off the other day out to the trash

what the fuck? i still need parts off of it!

ooo once i find out who did it they are gonna have hell to pay

it was a bitch dragging it back into the garage

the driveway is all scarred now... bastards :heated:

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Hi.Bye.-have a good night, owls....or morning.I've been assaulting the trains for the last few nights......haven't really been home that much sooooo with that I say peace.

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