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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by MLTf4nt0m

when? you still around or did you pass out?


im going to jet right now


-funny story-

last night i fell asleep with a beer next to my alarm clock

when the alarm went off this morning it angered me

so i poured the rest of the beer on it

it started going apeshit playing music as loud as it could and sparking

until i unplugged it

now everytime i plug it back in, it makes demonic sounds

that wont stop


hope i wake up tomorrow without an alarm


later kids

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lotsa hotshot graffers down here. they all get killed by a krew named adk or OR (out rage) these two krews have killed amny writers here. some iv witnissed myself. mostly punk ass trendy bitches here too. its either fukin badass. or fukin whack. no inbetween

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Originally posted by When

what a fucking ripoff



no joke

the competition was you could win a thousand bucks

when they called i got all excited cuz i thort i had won

but nnnnnnnup

that money would have been nice too :(

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im at work at the moment.. its cold and boring

i dont get much done as i work infront of a computer so im always stuck on here, msn, or mIRC :lol:

and they pay me for it, so i aint complaining :ballcap:


gets annoying tho, cuz i leave for work around 430am so i can leave early in the arvo and start drinking, last night my bro was pissing me off so i said im gonna pour water on you at 5 in the morning

so i got up and soaked him and hes prolly still sleeping in a wet bed :lol:

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i warned him to stop annoying me or hell be up early

sooooo its his fault..

whats a grout ?

my old mans heading your way on monday, maybe yas can paint panels together ? hes going to glasgow

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haha best song on the radio

"when i wake up, well i know im gonna be im gonna be the man who wakes up next to you, welllllll i would walk 500 hundred miles then i would walk 500 hundred more just to be the man who walked a thousand miles...:insert last line here:"

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..on the plust, work's computer servers just crashed and itll be a few hours before anyone else gets here who knows how to reset it..woo! few more hours getting payed for doingggg nothing :ballcap:

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Guest sneak

scotlands about a 8/9hr drive from me...not sure how long to glasgow either tho..


i got payed for doing fuck all today...worked the late night shopping shift, got about 15 customers in total!

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ahhhhh the shoppin center days

i used to love teh days when no customers where around and you got to sit behind your cash register doing fuck all :ballcap:

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