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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Guest willy.wonka

hey hey hey...

its 500 in the morning and im just now wakin up..i actually woke up like 445..."wierd",but yeah...sat night was the first night i was pissed off drunk...i mean that kinda quiet mad/rage that all of your friends look at you and get scared cause nobody has ever seen that look in my eyes and my additude of being mad before.it was a combo of / not enough sleep / drunk / jealousy / thinking of myself and thinking on how NICE GUYS FINISH LAST...and ifi was a monster still...i would have had much sexual victims of heartbroken girls cause i sticked my dick in them and turned my back on them unless i wanted more pussy...


i was about to become my old monster self again.it was real tempting cause my homegirl brought some fag over to this lil girl named liz..whos fine and we have been talkin about an orgy for a while...so this fag whos a tweakin male model starts the party when i wasnt there...from what i hear....


they called me up and i made all those girls feel so damn sexy..they couldnt resist and had sex with this guy...cause i did..i told everyone of them over the phone how sexy and cool people they were and i could hear them melt over the phone.



well, yeah..the way i found out what really happened....everygirl who fucked him has a std.....and out of my rage they thought they should have sex with me! fuck that....i told them i shoulda just been that monster they love oh so much and fucked them instead of being who i am...that i didnt get them bitches and now you got stds...."that i love my friends too much."thats when a tear dropped from my eye..my homeboy La'el was trippin out.


i was fuckin pissed and they thought it was cause of the orgy "that never took place".


i was mad cause i warned them about this dirty fool....i told them how fake he was,i told them he couldnt be trusted and how it was funny on how i wasnt around that night.when the truth peeked it way out..i saw it....i also saw how they knew i saw and tried to cover it back up again.


i felt betrayed by my best friend...i felt like a bitch,i was angry with myself and i could hear my monster tellin me that i woulda been the one if i was still wicked.i woulda fucked these girls and left them to dry.


betrayal/jealousy/drunkeness = bad combination

i was betrayed and it felt real shitty

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Guest willy.wonka

all in all,i feel good..i have no std and i got plenty of sleep..


i also got this huge sunburn....it burns bad.

i woke up early this morning to a dream of some girl who was really flirting with me.it was lovely.today,ima get a haircut.

maybe go see that sum of all fears movie.



it was a long weekend...oh that girl from oregon i was talking about!!!:D

dude,she's on the cover of a local magazine and has this little middle section of her modeling!!she's only been down here for a little while and blam!i made sweet love to this COVER GIRL! "one thing that has made me happy this weekend.

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Guest uncle-boy

ii also had a bad case of sun burn that is finally sub-siding.


it was sore as hell and bubbled up.(eewww)


i need to get used to the beautiful sun again.:cool:

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Guest willy.wonka

sunburn like ow


yeah man..i got he little bubbles too..i put plenty lotion and take motrin...muscle relaxers take the burn away.

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Guest uncle-boy

yeah, the bubbles freaked me out.


i never got them before. i went to maunawili falls, took my shirt off and was like WTF??


its all gone now tho, all peeled off. lotion is good.:idea:

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Guest willy.wonka

i got them,but they're not that bad..my skin is deeply red though and i can see the layer of ?pores? yeah,its like my pores are expanding or something,but looks like little bubbles..

but for real...check out that ala moana mag:lol:

it made me feel so happy,i brought home a copy.:)

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Guest willy.wonka

also i have a bees hive in my back yard...honestly...i think i can smell the honey on this humid mornin.feel like suitin up and going to get some..:)

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well damn wonka... that's just weak... what std did these girls get?

on the upside, as long as those bees don't fuck with you, then i think that would be really cool... the smell of warm honey makes any day better...


oh, also, word to the sunburns... they suck... i tend to avoid the sun like i was a vampire, now that i'm tattooed... a sunburn would totally fuck me over now...

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

zack zack zack... great fun...


back in the day there was this girl in my P.E. class... her tits were big enough that when she really ran they were known to slap her in the face...�


there was this really fat black girl in my advanced pe class (I failed that class) and she would never wear a bra and when she would run/jog/waddle you could sometimes hear her tits clab against her chest...shit was hilarious

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Guest deadlydnut

nightowl eh? Thought they didnt exist....oh I have a question Did any of you make stickers that said something close to "I'm in a secret society and your not!" it showed a picture of an old 50's cartoon on it? I saw it on a fed box today walking home, only problem was somebody dissed it and put a picture of ricky martin over it, that was funny as well.

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Guest deadlydnut
Originally posted by Zack Morris


that made me think of that track where dj qbert remixed all the supario stuff....I liked it though...made me laugh.

Yea, I have that one on my winamp list with mortal combat vs. Street fighter, that one is good too ehe.
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Guest platapie
Originally posted by Pistol

are you supposed to be a nightowl groupie ,dnut?





hes stalking you pistol.:rolleyes:

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Guest willy.wonka

i got faded today...shaved with a straight blade razor and babypowdered by a beautiful woman....my moms college gilfriend...she's like 25 or so.

im also peeling on my fore head...it loks bad...my sunburn is causin some kinda nervous reation where it burns and stings for couple of seconds and leaves..its a pain if you ask me...

my skin under my crispy toasted skin is raw...pinkish...sprayed some stuff on it and fuck it burned like a muhg..


now i gota take a shit....and yes, it has been a long day.

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