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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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Originally posted by willy.wonka

tj.....it was hella cool when i went...free beer.but the walk across the border was so fucking depressing...i gave all my money to those kids that were up begging at 4AM while thier parents slept..i gave a lighter away and this kid was fucking happy...i walked home saying "fuck the usa" and almost got in a fight with some navy boys trying to hit om my cousins girl...

also the last time i was in tj, we mied the places to park and ended up driving across the border.... then we had to wait with all the other cars trying to get back across when we left... that whole process took a couple of hours... that sucked... b ut i got to taunt my car-mates with the hooker finger...

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Last time I went to TJ was months ago. Me and my 2 boys went to a strip joint (Fritz) then at 2am decided to head for TJ. By the time we got there it was like 5-6am after a flat tire. It's all about driving across unless it's a holiday weekend.

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we were walking out of the last club of the night and i was afraid i would get my ass kicked for not dropping any money (these girls were filthy!) so as i'm walking out i threw a dollar at the girl on stage... then she does the "come'ere" thing, so i walk up, she grabs my hand, and slides it through her bush... surprisingly wet for a whore, but still nasty... my hand spent the whole rest of the car ride (an hour or more) out the window, except when taunting... then it was inside... and in people's faces...

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Guest uncle-boy

My friend went to TJ with some buddies. He met this chick, got his "game on" and later got laid.

The next morning his friends reveled to him that he wasn't the pimp he thought he was, rather they had baught him a hooker.



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My friend got a "dance" from a suprisingly young and decent looking chick considering it was 5 am. She took him him into this little booth about 5 feet beind our table and pulled out his dick and jacked him off for a minute. At least he didn't get the hooker finger.

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Originally posted by vinyl junkie

so as i'm walking out i threw a dollar at the girl on stage... then she does the "come'ere" thing, so i walk up, she grabs my hand, and slides it through her bush... surprisingly wet for a whore, but still nasty... my hand spent the whole rest of the car ride (an hour or more) out the window, except when taunting... then it was inside... and in people's faces...


yak! but it would be fun to wipe your hand on people

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Guest willy.wonka

some girl jacking me off would be too much for me...like sex has to come with the whole package....or a good blowjob.


i think i need a bi/stripper/girlfriend again...which one do you like wonka?i'll see if she wants to come home tonight..


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Guest greedy mars
Originally posted by willy.wonka

i think we should all give tease the hooker finger...like"tease...you get the hooker finger."

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im waiting

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Guest willy.wonka
Originally posted by Zack Morris

wonka...why do I have a feeling that the forementioned girl was completely crazy?


she was married...and was a nympho...one of those jerry springer stories...never thought it could happen to me...i broke my own rule..never fuck with a married woman.it first started when she asked me to sleep in her bed with her...which was kinda cool..but i guess she likes to sex/suck on my dick while i was sleeping...it just grew after that...



a white girl from boston..real sexy too..shaved pussy.

sex in the mornin,sex in the evening,sex in the afternoon...

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