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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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454 am


<--------------true night owl:p im up untill about 7 everymorning..weekend or not...i have no job and dont go to school...actually i have a job now but i havent started yet, besides its 8 to 4 am anyway....:D time for another bong load or 2:D

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Re: Zack's Got My Vote


Originally posted by Pistol



Zack just make sure you don't leave any part of your thing in the picture. I'd hate to be looking at chicks,cars,midgets then your shaved tool.




Zack has my vote.http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb/icons/icon24.gif'>


where the hell is wonka? he hasn't posted in this thread yet.


actually when you shave down there it makes your dong look bigger.

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Guest willy.wonka

oh..zack has always been down....as soon as we recruit all theses wanna-bes....i think we should make a thread to start off...like a introduction....i hope mistake in veronica....from that mag..i forgot what its called...porn shit...dreamin..

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Re: Re: Zack's Got My Vote


Originally posted by Zack Morris


actually when you shave down there it makes your dong look bigger.


i hear ya on that one



i think we should have strict rules about joining our nightowlism


if you have been down then your down if not your S.O.L

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Guest willy.wonka

Re: Re: Zack's Got My Vote


Originally posted by Zack Morris


actually when you shave down there it makes your dong look bigger.

hahahaha...i shaved my balls once so that my girl can suck on them and i felt like a little boy again...hahahaaha

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

i feel alot cleaner after my 20 minute shaving ritual...but I go through razors like crazy....so due to that I tray to minimize the shaving to every friday...unless I know I will be with a girl then I shave the day I plan on being with a girl.


my routine exactly, razors are too damned expensive these days

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Guest willy.wonka

what the fuck zack......do girls like that shit?do you tell them?

you dont get a rash do you?



i'll trim my shit once in a while.....

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hey has anyone tried those oreo double delight cookies yet?

they are oreos, and on the inside half is that chocolate filling and the other half is peanut butter, ive eaten half the bag and still cant decide if i like them

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girls do enjoy it. At times I will tell them before hand but alot of times I like the look on a girls face when she reaches into my pants and finds my cock but no pubes. I have had them get wierded out until they go down on me. Then they are like "this is fucking great!!!!"


When i was using the cheap razors to shave I had really bad razor burn but now that I decided to use the mach3 and gilette moisturizing shave gel Its greatly rediced the razor burn. I still make sure to put put plenty of lotion on once I get done to moisturize. Plus I am working on getting and entire leg tattooed and hair tattoes are gross looking. One shaved leg is weird looking. So due to my OCD I have to be symetrical.

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Originally posted by Zack Morris

ahh its getting close to time for me to go get the news paper in my boxers to taunt the 15 year old girls taking the bus to school.




:lol: maybe you should just go out rockin the bottle

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