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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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she's actually really fucking cool. When I go out to san diego this summer to see some friends out there I mgiht make her come down to SD and pick me up so I can spend a few days putting my dick in her ass. She even has said she would love to lose her be-heiman to me.

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ya know...sometimes I want to just put my nephew in the oven (already tried the microwave but he was too big) here it is 5:32 edt. And he just woke up and started screaming. I feel sorry for my poor sister at times because here she is at the age of 22 and and having to act like she's 30....actually I don't want to put my nephew in the oven because when I take him to the mall with me girls think its cute. I just wish he would shut the fuck up.

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Originally posted by WhenOne


im thinking i look more like the zack morris

minus the plate :lol:


hey wait how hot is she?


she's pretty cute. I will find pictures tomorrow and post em up. She closely resembles Cherri O'Teri from SNL...if Cherri O'Teri was into punk rock.

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Zack's Got My Vote


Originally posted by m1sT@k3

am i good material? i stayed up for 73 hours then blacked out and woke up in my friends car like 14 hours later!


depends man. were you still driving? was your friend even in the car? were you in Mexico surrounded by Federales? were you butt naked next to a hot ass chick who's ass was sore from all the butt plundering?


Zack just make sure you don't leave any part of your thing in the picture. I'd hate to be looking at chicks,cars,midgets then your shaved tool.




Zack has my vote.http://www.12ozprophet.com/ubb/icons/icon24.gif'>


where the hell is wonka? he hasn't posted in this thread yet.

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Guest willy.wonka

i forgot which girl posted it,but she was talking about how her or someone else went to a male strip club and all they did was hop up on her seat and began to shove his cock in her face.....like he was humping her face and all it did was beat her down......hahahahhaha.

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Originally posted by willy.wonka

i forgot which girl posted it,but she was talking about how her or someone else went to a male strip club and all they did was hop up on her seat and began to shove his cock in her face.....like he was humping her face and all it did was beat her down......hahahahhaha.


:lol: that job would rule

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