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One Man Banned

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Posts posted by One Man Banned

  1. You want the gentrified areas of Bushwick, and Williamsburg/Greenpoint. Follow the smell of B.O. to where the hipsters and street artists come together. There are walls and walls of good graf, but also plenty of what I refer to as poop graf. When everyone you see basically looks the same you'll know you've found it.

  2. That was the Bengali Boys.


    Fucks up with Taco Bell selling Capt Crunch balls? Not the most authentic Mex food I know, but this drifts far from the regular fare of diarrhea inducing menu items.

  3. There's tons of history so it depends what type of history you're into. If you have a car Fort Tilden is kind of cool (I say kind of). Look it up, it's kind of the most open water you can get around so maybe there will be less medical waste floating in and if you're lucky you might get to see some titties on the beach from a semi attractive woman. Eating is really where it's at, there's a lot of good spots in Park Slope and also out toward Williamsburg/Greenpoint area. You ask a broad question and you could probably ask 10 different people and get 10 different answers. If you want to narrow down your question, or PM, feel free.

  4. Man, I want to say I at least heard of Michelle Waterson before but never saw her fight that I can recall. Looked real good, those throws, kicks, surviving the armbar- sexy too, I'd let her manhandle me!!

  5. Forgot to add, now that I've seen those Reebok uniforms, they're fucking horrible! LOL. The corner men looked like orderlies, although that might be fitting depending on how their man did. Just awful design all around.

  6. Well there's something to be said for where exactly you want to live. You want to live in a fancy place or a gentrified area of any city and you're going to pay. I wouldn't pay no 500,000 anywhere unless I just won Powerball, and it would very unlikely be for a condo or apartment.

    I was in NYC for quite some time and looked at prices of different things there. Then I moved to a different location outside NYC, for less than any of the options in NYC I could be living quite well, moving on up with all the bullshit left behind and quite a lot of perks beyond increased living space. Was a no brainer. But again, depends on what you like/want. Some people like that close quarter living and what not.

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