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One Man Banned

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Everything posted by One Man Banned

  1. Well I kind of agree with his last sentence though, coming from prior arguments I've made that today's protestors are disorganized and misguided in so so many ways. Not that they don't have good causes, just not a good way to go about it. Like the 60's ended and people didn't need a voice anymore and/or forgot how to protest. Kind of ironic given that people have much more opportunities to have a voice these days with social media and all. I just had to do some reading on racism, types/levels of, one was Symbolic Racism, paraphrasing here but it "encompassed people who believe that minorities violate traditional American values such as hard work or self-reliance. They deny their prejudice and believe that social/economic problems of minorities are due to personal, internal factors like lack of effort or discipline. In surveys they are found to reject obvious forms of prejudice/discrimination but openly oppose programs designed to assist those who have been victims of discrimination." @Dirty_habiT I pretty much disagree with what you wrote but appreciate your opinion and hope you'll be back to argue it some more. Curious based on what you've said, how you view govt's roll of representing the people- not just the rich people, yet govt gives itslf and businesses a lot of breaks and incentives that don't really benefit many beyond themselves. I mean voting is not based on how much $ you have, so govt should be repping the poor people and doing something for them too, no?
  2. Yeah, just being cute/freight nerdy with it. The knuckles are the connection point but what I generally show is the End of Train (EOT) device AKA the Flashing Rear End Device (FRED). I don't know all the laws/regs but a travelling freight is supposed to have one on its rear. At times you may see a red flag in its place, or a caboose, which is what the device took the place of over time. Other day I saw a short line rolling without one and can only assume it was because they had to travel at a low, restricted speed the whole way or maybe because they were travelling their own stretch of line that no other freights travel on, because otherwise someone fucked up royally on that. But yeah, it signals the end of the train, or in this case, the end of the post. For your purposes, if you see a train in the yard with one of those and it's flashing, it means that train is going to be pulling out of the yard shortly. If it's on the end of the train but not flashing, that's likely a line that is put together and ready to go out at a later time. For the noobs, if you see one of those coming at you in the dark get the fuck out of the way- there's a train backing up at you! Sometimes that will be your only warning, no real sounds, just that flashing red light coming at you.
  3. My grandma's got balls, you should see her absorb that recoil
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