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Everything posted by calicartel2254

  1. Yo anyone know what household cleaning spray cans have Good caps on them. Or even better where can someone Pick up some caps.
  2. Not for nothing I would smash that "Internet education connection" chick. Someone needs to post that chick up!!
  3. can't argue with any of it. sad but pretty much hit it on the head.... funny any how.....
  4. my bad on the sizing. but if your eyes are in good shape you would agree!!
  5. have to agree with that!!!! one of the very few that push dsm correct. keep it up.....
  6. FAKE WILL HATE....REAL WILL RELATE!!!! it was written..........
  7. http://www.braskart.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/P1030562.jpg stolen... but someone needs to post it. MH went all OUT....
  8. i used to know a girl that had that exact same room divider. wish she looked like her though.....:(
  9. remember going in on a spot next to a busy highway. i didn't really care if a was being seen, just because the motorist would of been real stupid to watch me and not the road. I guess i must of not been aware of the time because after a while a "super hero" motorist slowed down and pulled right ahead of the spot i was hitting. i remember seeing him turning around several times and stare at me through his rear window. i could see the light from his cell phone as he put it up to his face to, in my opinion, call the pigs. i figured i had about 2 minutes before the lights of squad cars were coming down the highway. so i continue to finish up the hit. just as i was putting up the crew, lights were coming down the highway. got out of there with the hit, paint, and a bad case of poisen ivy....
  10. condolances and prayers to him and his family. did not know the god but respected his hussle!!!
  11. Can't wait to see how that TWERK BREEL colabo comes OUT!!!!!
  12. SLEAZESIDE-------> dropping gems. great finds homeboy!
  13. this is SERIOUS!!!^^^^^ love the old school hand made panoramic shot btw....
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