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Everything posted by burningflesh

  1. ill tell you when you man up and agree to meet me in person. ill catch up to you sooner then later.
  2. most of that clem aiek and skum spots are not in va.
  3. B&O markings still on that chessie system. crazy. myans tre jimy kae seapo horse sope arek tsek very nice post.
  4. this it for now. sorry about the shitty night shots..hope to get the dukkets for the new camera soon
  5. fuck this my photobuckets fucking up....
  6. here comes the weakest of updates. my camera died on me months ago. have a new one waiting for me at the shop but im too broke to make the last payment. so theses all are from my girls camera. here comes a pathetic excuse for an update
  7. is that guy taking your picture?
  8. i wouldnt call sabot thread worthy. a lot of this guys freight are way to over techy with a bad flow. a lot of bad color combos also. dudes got some skills,a few of them pieces are pretty nice.
  9. "frank pretty women" was the only one worth sitting through this season. the rest has been pure shit
  10. pa and ba crew always burning insane's tags and straight letters been looking a lot better
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