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Everything posted by burningflesh

  1. sions not ksw. all the toys that got put down because the smoked a blunt with shaken or mear or gave them a ride somewhere should consider themselves booted from the crew.
  2. anyone got flicks of that building that got torn down a few years back off the light rail right before the west port stop? had a shaken and arek and some bonk shit on it?
  3. that spots the jammy jam^
  4. whats up with the rest of the later wall?
  5. stole from metal heads upstate ny thread
  6. not tryin to be an asshole but bam you should take it easy on the self promo.your getting some pretty nice spots. but your not that good yet. no one wants to see every spot youve done on here... keep painting and dont flood the page with your shit and youll get some respect
  7. too many floaters on trains
  8. the things id do for a flat side spot like that... nice bench also
  9. worst railbox stamps ever. that maest is fresh
  10. bump all that shit^ HOOTY IME KILLED IT
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