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n30n b0n35

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Everything posted by n30n b0n35

  1. hell if its wednesday i will colour something for you peeps ;)
  2. Drippin with serious style ^^^
  3. nice work SAON, ure calling a tight deadline, especially as im hungover as fuck and a straight line seems a long way away today lol. Will see if i can cobble something together...
  4. stayposi. honourable mention to Jr.
  5. For sneek. Your next SAON! All crits appreciated. lets see some more sketches people.
  6. i think that one was a fluke lol, the letters just came together for me. Plus its inked with 3D, pops way more than pencil and shadow.
  7. there are alot of issues with that Giml. Post in the main toy thread and get some crits.
  8. 2 that didnt make the cut for the SIKS battle.
  9. Nice man, see what you mean about the A and I, theyre the only ones leaning. Maybe needed to give the I a bit more room too. K-A connection is dope tho. Will have ures up in a day or 2.
  10. lookin tight as always sneek. No rush, i wanna get SIKS sorted for the battle before i finish exchanges with you and SAON.
  11. This is rough as fuck but feel like im getting somewhere and wanted to hear some feedback.
  12. Ye fuck it, lets get down, SAON right?
  13. Just to officialise it and shit. Word: SIKS Due: Friday
  14. No worries RAKSE take all the time you need. Also, fuck the letter S, fuck it right in its complicated bastard arse... Any tips on S's?? im struggling and its stressing me out.
  15. Mad respect romero. I've overloaded on the props but ye, word. Let peeps be toy for a minute, if u cant rock a decent throw (i know i cant) then chill the chill spots till you can. The debate of coverage versus quality will rage on.
  16. wellllllll..... spawn won it. get on it mang!
  17. Losin my grip on shit a bit lately, not feeling it at all. Gotta smash through the block i guess! Im down for an exchange sneek, what you write??
  18. i think those are your best letters so far, definitely the most consistent. Keep going in that direction and try not to worry about extensions and serifs just yet.
  19. major lolz in here. Pel/halo ure getting the basic simple letters now but ure lines are all grody, try an steady that hand a bit.
  20. Win a battle and you can choose the word. Personally, i like a challenge. Also, i heard somewhere that you make the letters work for you, no matter what they are. May have been in an interview with EWOK but i forget.
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