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n30n b0n35

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Everything posted by n30n b0n35

  1. No fills for a while, wanna concentrate on the letters, need to work the Y more... Theres plenty wrong but crits if ya got em.
  2. Thats clean xoma, i would have moved the X away from the O a little but im feelin it none the less. Byest is always tight, goes without saying lol.
  3. Reakone, you dont need the chip on the O either. I would say the S is your best letter there. Only Advice i can give really is to tighten up your lines, that C is a little ugly cos of its uneven shape. Also your E and O have a different orientation, try and get them all facing the same angle. Your 3D will come with time, its always a killer on those curved letters! Thats just me tho. Nothing here some practice wont sort.
  4. Thats pretty much everything i did for a trade with EDICT. Crits welcome.
  5. Umire, I think you just killed it.
  6. Im not really one to be giving crits speak but i would say ure S is a little on the large side. Generally im liking it, would be nice to see some cleaned up pieces from you. Cant comment on tags and throws, mine are non existent :/
  7. Experimenting a bit. Plz excuse the wonky "Y"
  8. Great call on the battle. Cant wait to see this one.
  9. ye that second one's colours a sick, tight too.
  10. Nice rose, your camera is hella blurry tho. Your simples look nice you just need to keep churning them out and changing them slightly and learning when stuff is off. The advice i got was to make all your bars even and the same size, experiment with different words if you like, become familiar with what makes the letter unique. With bubble writing its the same thing, keep your letter widths equal. Best to experiment with 3D and shadow once you feel that your letter shapes are solid but dont put it off, u want things to progress at an equal rate. Also, get involved as soon as u can with the battles dude, its a toy battle, no one is gonna burn you. Plus gives u an incentive to up your game. My 2 cents.
  11. That cruiser piece is sick.
  12. im not sure man, maybe update your browser or something. Im using google chrome and i can see em fine.
  13. is that a bad thing? lol. probably...
  14. Top one is my piece for the EARLY toy battle and the other 2 are practice. Any pointers?
  15. Felt like doing one more for this trade. Also, lookin tight OCTA. Think u missed a bit of 3D on the back of the C on the last one tho :P
  16. What i have been working on for a trade with PHOI. Think i will probly do one last coloured piece after this lot. Any feedback? Also, the letter "O" is killing me -__-
  17. Sort of a tribute (in name only) to "CAN2" love that guy. I wish these had come out better. Not feeling too bad about my handstyle atm tho. Hints, tips, feedback, critique sorely needed.
  18. Liking the hyper Dakuone. Having that slight size difference would bug the hell out of me tho. Still, killer fill.
  19. Pleased how the second page came out. Any pointers?
  20. ^^^ killer man, that fat handstyle down the right side is hella nice. Nice fade on the main crus piece too.
  21. Daos, for starters the picture is too dark to really see anything, secondly i would say ure letter thicknesses have no consistency to them. My advice would be; get rid of the extensions and serifs and make your letters all the same thickness, also, sort out the 3d. Practice can be rough but thats no excuse for sloppy lines and messed 3d/shadow. Thats just my opinion, im not a pro and i post in the toy forum lol. Anyone else wanna weigh in on this?
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