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  1. MIYAN


    i wasn't hating. i was asking a question.
  2. MIYAN


    what is this dude thinking?
  3. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. MIYAN


    i don't really have too much room to talk but you would think for as long as crow has been writing he would do more than just boring straight letter peices or his style would at least improve.
  5. MIYAN


    how the fuck do you stop this ^^^^^^^ from happening
  6. Anybody ever watch these youtube videos? I love the american freight scene but its always nice to see some crazy euros paint quickies on public transit.
  7. why did mfk let him in their crew? his style isn't up to par with those guys:confused:
  8. MIYAN


    wow this thread has more drama than the jersey shore.
  9. why would you throw your empty cans in a river? do you want to kiill a bunch of fish? dumbass....
  10. who does those abstract e2e on the union pacific cars on the first page? shits ill
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