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Walid Jumblat

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Posts posted by Walid Jumblat

  1. forget about some football player whos probably a dick


    you vs a grown male baboon, hand to hand in a pit - only the winner leaves


    what would your strategy be?


    Tell him he's probably right and that we should just forget about it and go get drunk and see what the lady baboons are up to.

  2. So then white people from Philly, or NYC are a different ethnicity than white people from SF? if they speak a different language, have different religions and customs, then yes, they are same race, different ethnicity. if culture is the same then same race, same ethnicity.

    Or what about white people from Scotland -vs- white people from Scandinavia? if they speak a different language, have different religions and customs, then yes. if not, no.

    Are Koreans a different race or ethnicity than Philippinos?

    Oh wait, the Philippines got conquered by Spain hundreds of years ago, so that means they're Spaniards now. Right? Both are predominately Mongoloid race but the Phils have been 'interbred' with Caucasians due to colonisation from Europe. Ethnically they are different because diff language, customs, religion, etc.

    So if Ireland invades Laos some time in the future and makes them all start speaking English, does that make all Laotians a bunch of drunken Irish mics now? Or does it make them English being as that's the language they'll be speaking? "English' is a language and nationality, not an ethnicity. The Laotians would remain Mongoloid, unless interbred but if their customs, language, etc. was completely changed then they would altered ethnically, so to speak

    But what if Germany invades them and they all start speaking Dutch? What then?

    Either way they'll no longer be Asian, they'll be Caucasian now right? Nope, Caucasian is a race, not an ethnicity.

    Unless Ethiopia invades them of coarse.


    are we having fun?

  3. An ethnic grouping? Isn't that what the word race means?


    Nope, ethnicity is culture, language, religion - behaviour so to speak.


    Race is genealogy, physical make up - how you look, so to speak.


    You can be racially Mongoloid (as in Chinese) but ethnically different. Han Chinese speak Mandarin, are generally devoid of religion and follow a generally Confucian ethic. The Mongols are also Mongoloid but speak Mongolian, are predominately Buddhist and follow a clan based ethic.


    These are the same race and look pretty much the same but are ethnically different because they act different. That's race v. ethnicity in a nutshell.

  4. Haven't got the time to read the full wall but will later. In regards to the bottom paragraph I agree with all you have said. Whistle blowing the right issues for the right reasons should be fully encouraged. However when it comes to Assange there is a huuuuge element of sensationalism and narcissistic behaviour there and some of the shit he's 'blown the whistle' on has been complete bullshit and damaged a number of innocent people (not to mention pending sexual assault charges that he may or may not be guilty of).


    Snowden seems to have blown the whistle for something that really wasn't required and he did not think his actions through very well at all (especially for a some one who is supposed to be a whiz-kid). Exposing what most normal people expect and not have a well thought out exit plan that ends up with him living in a Russian airport really leads me to question the value of his actions, even if his heart was in the right place.


    Here's one whistle blower who sacrificed a lot but actually has achieved a huge amount helping lots of people that were fucked over by the church and law -

    This link first - http://www.news.com.au/national-news/inspector-peter-fox-cyber-warrior/story-fndo4eg9-1226515136617

    This link second - http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-07-09/peter-fox-arrives-at-sexual-abuse-inquiry-newcastle/4807562


    Ok, I'm off my soap box now.

  5. Tangent:


    Gotta say that I'm confused by all this Snowden crap.


    Dude reveals what everyone fully expected in the first place, that there is deep state surveillance on communications and then runs off to countries who openly imprison and kill people who speak out against the state.


    This is not defence or advocacy for state surveillance and neither have I read much in to the Snowden/PRISM issue. But from what I see this guys strikes me as a bit of a fucking idiot, something along the lines of Assange. Well, maybe not as bad and infantile as Assange but at least as inexplicable.


    With the royal birth and UK sporting victories of late I'm not so sure the Brit govt needs to create such superficial distractions.


    When is the next election over there anyway?

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