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Everything posted by KADE_ONE

  1. true tpbm likes making girls mad ha
  2. flase tpbm needs a new blackbook like i do
  3. telling this bitch to kick rocks cus she is to anoyying
  4. false only im only gona punch him to a coma tpbm is wondering who i will punch
  5. true tpbm is gona be rolls_royce or massgraff
  6. true! tpbm is like this guy kade again ugh
  7. true haha tpbm wants to get a girl to hit it and quit it
  8. true tpbm is thinking should i post after that post?
  9. false tpbm is gona be online all weekend ha
  10. false i sold my ps3 tpbm is getting anoyyed of me and rolls_royce because were posting on here to much ha
  11. true tpbm is a guy that started graffing cus mark ecko getting up game hahaha and started writeing trane
  12. false!! tpbm is questioning the end
  13. praying my plans for painting this week end dont get ruin:mad: :mad:
  14. false tpbm belives in santa claus or the tooth fairy
  15. false im a dead man browsering 12oz tpbm think aliens are real
  16. bump shock,elmer and any one getting up
  17. false tpbm is about to post after me
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