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Everything posted by KADE_ONE

  1. u dont need to bump me because i dont need it so dont type that much u migth hurt your brain....dont reply;)
  2. im not saying u are old but that hes calling u a kid knowing that he is the kid
  3. hah a kid...he aint a kid he old enough to be your dad;)
  4. look i aint goin to start this internet beef so if u got something to say send me a pm n dont reply haha:cool:
  5. wtf i hadnt even talk in here..
  6. bump is old but fuck it:rolleyes:
  7. bump..i know is old but fuck it
  8. ok hate as much as you want but he change his name already
  9. his name and mine are not the same
  10. what i just saw a video of adeks graff haha im gona tell him to change his name
  11. how do u post pictures on 12oz?....need help
  12. are u talking sarcasticly
  13. well what ever u want to call it cus is definately not a piece haha
  14. first time painting a burner so dont hate
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