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Newer Bigger Better

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Posts posted by Newer Bigger Better

  1. Buffalo Bills is down the street. Like i can literally see it from my house.


    Heres a pic of me and rushinsky on free food and beer day.




    Which reminds me, next month is spring free food and beer day. Excited!

  2. Looking for ideas for an 'ApocalyptAle' to brew on the day the world ends.


    Any ideas? Remember it's deep summer over here, it's going to be about 36 today. It's 6 am and already 23 degrees.


    I have most all special malts you could want, a fairly good hop selection, but I'm bound at the moment to US05 yeast, which will lend itself to giving a 'fruit spice' note.


    I'm sorry it's summer. But an end of the world should be something dark, mean, and foreboding.

  3. I got couch but i don't tattoo man. I just work there. My nerve damage is so bad i have a hard time sketching for pieces anymore.


    It's so bad i think that girls give me dumb excuses as to why they don't like me, but i think they just don't want to take care of me when im older. LOL


    Drinking and cocaine probably don't help. But i'd rather just ride that one out.


    We just opened a weed shop though. Ill sell you weedz

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