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Newer Bigger Better

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Posts posted by Newer Bigger Better

  1. A rolling blackout, joker? lulz. Seriously I'm with Fist on the doctor tip, preferably a good one that doesn't just say, "See me if it happens again." I get tunnel vision when it's clear I havent pre-gamed with the right foods, but luckily i've never blacked out.


    Metalasfok, I dunno what to say dude the rainiest cities on the west coast are also the most bike-centric cities in america. I think you'll be fine.


    John I'll top that. My last post talked about how recently a marijewuana grower opened up on a park ranger with an assault rifle IN the sleepy town i grew up in. (Growing's nothing new but shooting at people is.) Also for the last two days Park Police Helicopters (I had to google the insignia to find out what kind of helicopter they are) have buzzed me for TWO DAYS, coming within 50 yards of me (once on Ridge Top Rd, once on Bolinger Canyon Rd). Shit was crazy. The other day on Choc and mine's favorite road, Punehurst, I could hear an assault rifle firing off in single shots, three round bursts, and occasionally full clips. I think there was also an intermittent a shotgun, or something with two LOUD rounds. Sounded like M80's. It sounded like someone was practicing, but there isnt a shooting range for 20 miles and I've never heard gunfire from this road before. So imagine if you will you're riding along and you hear gunfire. Its enough to make you reconsider your direction of travel, but DEFINITELY keeps you on the main road and designated trails. No tresspassing on fire trails for me. If it's not the dude with the AR, the park rangers and DEA will definitely prosecute.


    It was hard to pinpoint where it was coming from, because its in a canyon. But somewhere near redwood road and pinehurst. Not trying to drop a dime or anything but I've lived in the area for 15 years and if you're growing near hikers you're a fucking idiot. There's SO many better ways to grow. Take it somewhere else. And an AR? Really?



    There is a lot of "private" gun ranges around that area. I know we have one on our property on the backside of the hill of Crow Canyon. I wouldn't worry about it too much...

  2. Beer is made out of things, that GENERALLY don't really need a WHOLE lot of help to grow.


    It's kinda like saying you only buy organic weed. It's a weed dude, it doesn't take much to grow it.


    Me and my tallbff who brews beer were thinking about going out of our way to buy all specifically NON ORGANIC materials to make a beer, and then calling it "FUCK HIPPIE BULLSHIT ALE (this shits made with chemicals)"


    Would you drink it? I would

  3. I know this is the beer thread, but the Temescal Safeway has Hanger1 on sale for 20 bucks.... Fucking gnarly deal, i got 2.




    also for beer i got a Red Hook Longhammer IPA 12er... Keeping it summery.



    As far as strictness, there are a few bars i frequent so often that clearly they know who i am. Ruby Room for example, but at least in this part of california, your best luck for getting into a bar without an ID or underage is going to some skummy methy bar that needs the money. And im rocking a full scum life beard right now with the beginnings of a roly fingers mustache, so it's probably not that im babyfaced.

  4. My ID got stoled out of the car at GhostTown on saturday... so im going to be not going into bars so much til my new id gets in. SAD FACE. we should have a meet and drink soon though, no homoz.

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