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Newer Bigger Better

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Posts posted by Newer Bigger Better

  1. NBB- It finished around 7 or so. It was the first time my friend was doing a food gig there so he wasn't quite sure how it would go. I may attempt to do the same thing at some point as my other friend/old neighbor is not a bar tender there.


    I'm prolly headed back up there today just to sit and catch up with him a bit.


    but yeah, I don't see why an east bay beer meet up can't happen. I'm sure Choc would be into it.


    I'd be down man... My bff is sous chef over at mua or nex, it doesn't matter because they share the kitchen, on like Broadway and 27th or something. He brews a batch of 5 gals every couple of weeks. 1988 and MilkGrenades are familiar with him as well.


    But we should definitely set something up soon. I lost my wallet at ghost town this weekend, and broke my phone, so im on my way to dmv right now to get a replacement ID.



  2. that's going to be delicious, where's that going to be at?


    i'm back at 39th and MLK for a bit.


    i've been staying on mlk and 52nd lately alot lately... we should all drink beer one day.

  3. Dear mh,


    From what I remember you live in the methy part of the valley. Might I suggest getting the fuck out of there to have fun?


    Dear sey,

    Filipinos don't have the livers of regular azns. You'll be fine.



  4. If someone only has a problem with crack cocaine but not weed. And they are off crack but still smoking weed. They will generally say they they are sober....


    Just like forsit says he's sober all the time, but yet still pops pills.

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  5. Am I seriously the only one on here who can't watch HD videos because they look like shit?

    The whole time I tried to watch that video I was moving my mouse around looking for somewhere I could click to turn the HD off so that I could watch the fucking video because it just kept skipping around like I was watching someone flip through a hand drawn cartoon on a stack of paper.

    But there was no HD icon to click off.


    Dude... you have to turn off the HDs on your modem.

  6. day four...

    ate a full blown lunch and dinner yesterday. Salmon filet, baked potato, salad, and garlic bread for dinner. besides being dizzy and clammy, i feel alright. oh, and, once again, weird fucking lucid nightmares involving paranoia.. waking up drenched in sweat. dizzy today, but i ate breakfast at around 10 and been sipping seltzer water and gatorade. feeling pretty good. mind is still a little tweaked in general, but it's much better. eyes are on the dry side too.



    don't know why i'm really bothering with this. i guess just to document the process and how it went for me... hopefully it helps someone at some point.

    thanks again to all the folks who had positive insight/support.


    does this mean no more drunken facebook chats?




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