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Newer Bigger Better

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Posts posted by Newer Bigger Better

  1. soup, trips or anyone....


    got a set of mags for the bike. showed up today. super stoked, then i really looked em over....




    can this be just hammered out/die grinded back into shape, or do i have to go through the hassle of filing a claim with UPS and waiting on all that bullshit?


    OOOOOOOOOffffffffffffff... I'd fail a claim dude. It's a fucking hassle but at the shop we have to do it at least once every few months.


    Also lol at the max dude for obvious reasons.

  2. this comment is fuckin retarded..


    "that dement is NOT fresh because"


    1. its from 05

    2. and that spot was in the east bay..


    then go on to say


    "however still, its dope"


    then say


    "much respect"


    Im guessing he meant not fresh in the most literal sense. As in it's not new.

  3. @NBB: Do you have any close friends that hold a licence in your state? Looking into a keg exchange. I'm legal on my end.


    I don't know what the deal is in my state. Homebrewing is completely legal But shipping beer in a keg probably requires a license right? Ill look into it!!!! But if you bottle anything lemme know for sure and we'll figure out the deets.

  4. Well fine. 10% of them say they are "clean"...


    i agree that the failure rate is probably much higher than 90%


    Leave it to a frog to point out the idiocracy in the 12steps

  5. agreed. We are all knowledgeable Beericua. But i think Lagunitas is quite mediocre. Not that i won't grab them if they are on sale and high ABV. But At their regular price, there is like 10 other companies i will buy over them.

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