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Newer Bigger Better

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Posts posted by Newer Bigger Better

  1. You said dude dropped off the foundation and popped off the bump from the dirt to the sidewalk, defying all logic and laws of gravity.


    Then you cited your 20 + years of skateboarding as proof.


    You sure you want to be here?

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  2. Went over to my boys apartment to watch football. I parked in a guest spot and seen that he had some new neighboors. Must have moved in less than a week ago...


    This was proudly displayed in the front window.




    I informed my friend that he has new Juggalo neighbors. He gave his thirty day notice and immediately began searching for a new place to raise his kids.


    Juggalos are pretty rare in Cali. Especially whole JuggaFams...


    I've seen a couple in the central valley area. But not so much in the bay.

  3. Dear nbb,


    Y would it suck cuz where I live?

    I live in Cali. Can't ask for too much more.

    Lifted trucks and dirty sluts. Freights fr days and purp to blaze. Lol


    cause you live in fucking modesto

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