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Persian Rug$

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Everything posted by Persian Rug$

  1. yeah i know but neither am i nor did i buy it in europe, they sluffin.
  2. anyone else having the alarm clock issue where it rings an hour early?
  3. I just got the 4 and voice command is probably the stupidest thing they put on there. Pandora is a sick app but it kills battery like crazy.
  4. that jobe and other piece i could not read under I-5. id love to flick it but i have no clue how to get down there. maybe someone knows?
  5. puzl gets up worldwide it should not even be a question.
  6. im thinking maybe dude is not 18 yet...
  7. so buckbang im confused. which one was the higher one?
  8. why was the d tagged in it dont make no sense. the colors on that one are dope though
  9. can someone hook it up with the puzl interview? it's like they took it down or something its not on clout.
  10. most of the time, this thread to me is like a sad christmas with no presents; there are no good flicks. Anyone know stuff about getting pics from phone to computer pm me and i will get some of my own up.
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