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Everything posted by ONE_ONE_NINER

  1. ET77 GMV Here's one I did that I didn't get to enter cause I was busy playing MW3, I know the one in pen up there is a little hard to see...
  2. It's cool looking but looks nothing like a V.
  3. I can read between those channel zero lines son.
  4. Nice try at being a smart ass, but I wasn't insulting you...I see you tried hard at the end of that post to insult me though, you don't have to beat bushes man. Say what you want, I do. Still looks like you used a shitty marker I don't think anyone would've mistaked that as a digital.
  5. I don't know what you're talking bout....Traditional or digital??? all it looks like to me is you used a shitty marker.
  6. I'll do the next one if it's less than 5 or 6 letters...I tried this and kept running out of room...I don't know wtf is up with yall and these long ass words. LOL
  7. Thanks dude, I made it up myself years ago.
  8. I was talking bout Pesk he loves to use every marker in the box on his sketches, does a real nice job of it too...The letters suffer from all the color though. xoXox that sketch you posted on the other page is dope.
  9. I mean if you're from new york I would expect a nice clean hand, not that jumbled up drippy mess you just posted....You should probably just stick to coloring dude. You're good at that.
  10. Well at least you can color real nice.
  11. Shit looks dope man...the way you color your sketches makes it real hard to make out the letters some times though. I can make out an M in the center so far. Still nice though. Do you remember a crew in miami called BH Bombing High?
  12. :lol: That was a nice sketch man wtf are you on?
  13. Where is the S in that one liner?
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