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Everything posted by RES4

  1. nah i think you should fuck off somewhere else and stop messing up our thread right?
  2. sybil im feelin the chrome for sure
  3. yo black dots is the best apart from the I
  4. jitsu, epik, kotes = dope
  5. most of my better ideas come from when im not trying to think of anything. im just sitting, half asleep, drawing and something ends up looking like a face or a letter or something that i develop. i can never come up with good ideas when i try
  6. dream (rip) bombing with tie kase2 skeme any old ny train bombers and cope, no matter what anybody says about him
  7. sodem- you really wanna write sodem lol im feelin that purple one tho, all the symmetry and shit and heres some i did earlier changed the r to a k
  8. just- shits almost perfect except the s and t are sorta turned round a bit. just watch that. if you have to you could draw lines above and below across the page to keep the proportions right. the other thing is the drop shadow on the s. it should be like this kome- i like it. maybe dont overlap the middle of the e like that tho kote- work on the first one. it has more potential iv already been told the lowercase e is better
  10. oh shit just found it. sold out i just ordered the second tho. hope its good
  11. Re: CURRENT GRAFF MAGS AROUND THE WORLD!!! did you get both from same site? how do you order first one?
  12. yea, the first one is annoying me cause the letters get smaller. thanks though
  13. dripz- make the letters similar size. and straighten out the lines to aim4infamy- tbh, that last bomb is the only one i like, the first one just isnt working and i dont know what the first letter is in the second one, you need to define them more.
  14. yea, dont write ghost
  15. never. ever write ghost
  16. it does say sofles but i think it was for a bs battle
  17. cracks in the first two are really good and the shading in the last one the first one sort of looks like sqiunt instead of squint tho
  18. i think yous should tae that to the paint thread but jecl- pretty nice, looks grimy in a good way just move your letters closer together stuff i did today just the outline for this so far, hopefully have it finished in a few days. it on really small paper too
  19. nice thread started around january/ febuary thought this was the shit when i did it. actually stuck it on my bedroom wall lol. first throwie about march time april/may
  20. thanks man. i stopped rockin the toy wildstyle a wee while ago haha idk401- from what i can see that e looks pretty sweet, but get a better pic crimnl- the bars sorta look weird, try making them straighter in that last pic, blue one is the best
  21. first post crimnl- throw is sick, not sure bout first simple blar- get better pictures crirts?
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