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Mr Rossi

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Posts posted by Mr Rossi

  1. If you ever find yourself having unprotected receptive anal sex with a drunken squaddie in a train toilet after making eye contact with him in the carriage mere moments before, don't let the semen trickle out of your arse, down your leg & onto your shoe coz apparently it's quite bad for leather.

  2. i hate jack kerouac too. i really tried to get into it in highschool when it was the cool thing to do but meh. if i want to hear about neal cassidy i'll just read this again cuz it fuckin rules:



    pretty much anything tom wolfe does is good.


    I did enjoy this book but Tom Wolf's a cunt though, have you read that fucking risible "A Man In Full"? Proper bag of wank, I used to work in a frozen food warehouse & it was fuck all like the one described in this book. And the cunt always wears a white suit. The prick.


    I'm currently reading "Love On the Dole" by Walter Greenwood. It's shaping up to be pretty good. Social fucking history & all that shit.

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  3. Sounds like some one has a Daddy/penis/ass/urine/semen/fecal matter fixation.


    any particular reason why this content is still taking up server space???


    *Awaits predictable trolling comment including one or a combination of above mentioned items


    Nah, we've been told you're (eagerly) awaiting your father's cock up your bottom.

  4. with 5 on this one.

    Not known anyone who's died yet but the scumbaggery came out definitely in the people I knew who did it.


    Yeah but some of us can handle our drugs - And it looks like some of you can't. Like Dale Arden said in Flash Gordon "That's just one of the things that makes us better than you".


    And to that prick who made the point about respectable people using B - Fucking define respectable then, dickhead.

  5. Heroin is fucking filthy. I've seen more than a few friends die from that shit and before they died they had turned into some of the biggest scumbags you're likely to meet,


    Kick that dude out and punch him square in the face for bringing it into your house.


    That's bollox - B won't automatically turn a person into a scumbag, I know plenty of bagheads who maintain standards. If your mates went that way they probably had turd-like tendencies to begin with & the gear just brought it out of them.

  6. A full blown junkie? Probably never, but I do know people who do heroin and lead pretty normal lives.


    That said, those are people sniffing it. Once you start booting up, it's usually a wrap


    & when you say "sniffing" do you mean tooting or actually snorting? Coz to snort H would be a total waste of gear.




  7. A full blown junkie? Probably never, but I do know people who do heroin and lead pretty normal lives.


    That said, those are people sniffing it. Once you start booting up, it's usually a wrap


    Not necassarily. I used to dig & I never robbed anyone - Ham & egging was my gig & I'll jolly well say I was damned good at it to boot.

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