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Mr Rossi

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Posts posted by Mr Rossi

  1. That's what's up.There are alot of Cowboys fans here.Maybe that's why i don't like alot of them.Then again theres alot of different teams whose fans i don't like.It's whatever tho.Let the teams do the talking on the field.


    Dobn't really matter, it's your cock that's grimey from always being up ya boyfriends arse... Your queer...Next please.

  2. Couldn't be arsed readin this whole thread but yeah, no way do I ever want kids of my own. Having said that, my (female) mates daughter just kinda chose me (I was round at hers one night & the nipper just followed me everywhere & ever since then my name only has to be mentioned & her little face lights up. Way I see it, I've got a responsibility to that nipper, she don't know her dad & I'm not trying to be her dad but seeing as she chose me, I'll always be there for her... And I don't even like kids.

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  3. lexx is hella cheezy looking


    but storyline and concept are top notch.


    i think it's in the catagory of biopunk


    It's in the category of funny as fuck.

  4. I've met cool gay people, but having a gay son is like the baby coming out a different race, completely disown that little fuck cause it ain't my genes.


    It's unlikely you will have a son though, coz however much you shag your boyfriend's arse he just isn't going to get pregnant, what?

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