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Everything posted by SoulOne

  1. dear god please tell me you're off the biting thing. get over it - i didn't copy "wiggle" or whatever the hell you said his name was
  2. Re: Freight WholeCars & E2Es ichabod is king. his stuff always shocks me sorry for bad quality, but this rolled by the other day.
  3. dope simple freak. (the 2nd one) banger, that's lookin real good. i wouldn't do the highlight type stuff on the left side - it looks forced when curve inward around the previous letter. the right side looks real good tho i know i need to be putting up some simples but i haven't had time. anyway, worked on coming up with some sort of throwie. here's what i ended up with. like everything, it'll probably be a progression and as i do simples it'll change, but here it is nonetheless and here's some character work for good measure: and i know i'll get hell for posting this, but i just wanted to try something. the fill is god awful, but i tried to simplify the letters. the y is too hidden. anyway, i know it's not great but here it is
  4. haha word. but it was maybe last soul piece i did so i felt like trying to go a little crazy. my baaaaaa'd.
  5. because i know what biting means lol i may be toy but i've been into graff for a while
  6. @service now i don't mind constructive criticism, but i don't like to be called a biter. i don't know what "graffiticreator" is, but what/whoever it is, i didn't bite.
  7. bump that melter and the first sour
  8. getting back to graff, here's an old pic i found of that sour piece i was talking about in cola. been here for years. sorry for the bad pic - taken with an old phone
  9. fiddly, i like the letters and the 3D looks good to me, but the E needs to be tilted back to make everything look even. good job with the vanishing point. looks real clean this isn't great, but maybe the last soul piece i do. might be writing rybo after this
  10. 2nd video - 0:55 IZ tribute! love it and that ICHABOD blockbuster almost made me piss my pants. i'd love to see something like that in person
  11. haha will do skumbum. i'll try and do some simples tonight. where do you write man? there's a semi famous grasp out there
  12. this is pretty awful - prolly shouldn't be posting it. i like the S but that's about it - e doesn't even look like a letter. haha sorry fellas
  13. i'll battle you - i'm toy tho. any requirements other than SCENE?
  14. yep. there's a faded sour piece in downtown cola that survives the buff every year. have to try and find a pic of it
  15. love that REBEL. and i've never seen that SEEN before
  16. service - like it but the letter widths are off in a few areas i think not to be that guy, but could i get a few crits on my post on this page?
  17. oh, and peanut butter - that looks so good. real clean, simple but makes you look twice. good stuff
  18. no offense taken man. i know i shouldn't be doing letters - i just wanted to see how it would turn out. i'm going back to painting the type of canvases i love (see my earlier post a few pages ago) for now, sticking to the blackbook for letters. thanks for the crits tho everybody
  19. strange as it sounds, pics like that are what made me love graffiti. washed out history on bricks
  20. man why would you post that here? i'm not getting into that again. lol bout to take that site down
  21. haven't had a whole lot of time...will put up more when i get done w/ calc2 exam lol and something i did for a friend: and yes, i realize my handstyles are absolute garbage.
  22. oh my bad. haha i never had beef w/ anybody on here - you're talking about the other 2 guys going at it. imma get new pics up as soon as i can
  23. read the page before this - don't post works in progress. finish it then post a pic
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