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Everything posted by shark-week

  1. i got to go cheek that shit out, i sweet augor no homo:lol:
  2. you tell him wats wat koskomoney yah! bad asss
  3. oooooooooooooooooookay i understand now people make jokes. hahahahaa
  4. that sounds cool why not as long as im drunk put me on that vip list hhahaahha
  5. i like that therex2r its pretty tight but once i get my camra ill show you some tight shit too
  6. kbar got fuckin crossed by mr gime i wonder why?
  7. im looking to get a camra but idk wat kind to get,im lookin for a good one you know that HQ. any suggestions?
  8. im feeling that bats that shits dope
  9. thats wats up thiers alot of pics today
  10. augor is my all time favorite and reyes too, fucken respect
  11. hahhhahahahaah gas prices, your funny
  12. that dragon is super dope falseface cant wait till you finish it
  13. bonus has some weird pieces but most of them are tight, respect
  14. my boy evor and defame in the SE keepin it fresh
  15. those sticks are beast mode i need to make me some
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