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Everything posted by IllSkillet

  1. fuckyourface is a next level toy... the kind that when you press their button they say something stupid... except his batteries are always weak
  2. Sez42 done in Chicago I think Devious done in Indy Sybr Skue Typo in Indy Heist R.I.P in Indy Demo Kelzo in Indy
  3. nice...wonder where that was spotted at...
  4. pretty tight...like that brisk
  5. I used to see them EDSK dudes up alot when I lived there... good to see their still around!
  6. at least I have a mom...
  7. I thought it was dope.... but now that I think about it really isn't that dope...
  8. there IS no such thing as graffiti unity... and as far as fighting, none of ya'll want it with me
  9. never heard of you, freak
  10. while internet predator's words were a bit harsh regarding someone up and coming, it seems as though encouragement should be the key here instead of put downs. on the other hand chitonap is just angry at life. we all know there's twenty keath the didlos, and it is true that you like to gang up because even with 20 you're still weak and a toy... but come on... no one wants to hear your weak shit, your lame beats, or see your toy shit... so you can make 20 fictitious screen names on a web-site... and so what you can make a deal with a dead appleheaded robot to try to manipulate mine, amongst others computers... you still can't fight, you still can't write, you still ain't tight... and you still don't know how to give advice, maurice still has lice, you still try to bite, and your whole family still sucks dick
  11. O-Matic... nice colors on that second one...the c's are kind of interesting... One could say that the overflow from the c is being blocked by the top and the bottom of it coming down... or one could say that there should be more of a line to prevent it from what one could consider it starting to look like a e...besides that the extra bubble off the left of the t is pretty fresh... I like the i's... thanks for the flics!!!
  12. who you calling burnout? no one wants to hear generalizations from someone inexperienced. is this drugs anonymous class? I think not... yo clown, just because someone wants to have a night on the town and indulge in substances doesn't mean they're a burnout... you're mighty judgmental... maybe if you looked at listening to music the same way as you looked at usage of substances, and whining over your dead homies, then there wouldn't be any wasted exclamations on this website...
  13. what are you trying to decipher?... those cats I mentioned in that post are cocksuckers... thats about it...
  14. keath is gonna rap about maurice smearing marinara sauce on his face... they both have the same face, a scared one, so who cares... and kutso puts a aluminum helmet on his momma, oops his sons, head and then smears icing on his so called own self... veto the killing of me you toy ass hip hop congress unless you're talking about doing at it one on one hand to hand combat
  15. wonder if that cp is still in service...never seen anything like it...props!
  16. nice colors on that upfe
  17. spotted the other day...
  18. thanks for the flics! P!
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