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d a m a g e

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Everything posted by d a m a g e

  1. One of my favourite series... Whats the movie like? I heard it wasn't great
  2. I wonder how many more years of nonsense is left in this thread
  3. Can you put it in the archive section? Still good pictures on the older pages..
  4. Where is the great pictures thread gone?
  5. http://www.nimportequi.com/fr/video_touchdown_superbowl_bonus.html
  6. Havnt done the outline but I have to change one E into the other, I just don't know which... Ill update later with it finished.
  7. Thanks to them I added an extra 6 inches to my cock
  8. My Red Pony - John Steinbeck
  9. Oh no need to trace, it bled through to the next page perfectly haha Good idea, sure have a look at this as well Tried several times to work out an R for it and Im still not happy with it..
  10. Im very happy with this. I dont know if I should define the letters where they connect incase I ruin it.
  11. The start reminds me of the music from 5 days a stranger
  12. John Steinbeck - Tortilla Flat I am about a third of the way through, enjoying it so far.
  13. Had to google it to see if it was real. http://www.littletikes.com/toys/makin-mud-pies-smash-mash-picnic.aspx Poor children
  14. Gotten into a habit of leaving out the 2nd E, doubt Ill do this if Im painting.
  15. Was just about to post that, fair fucks to her
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