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Everything posted by Hatedhomie

  1. I need another beer after reading all that shit
  2. i remember that walk... bump macks mha, nd all the other posts lately good shit yo. this thread is actually worth lookin at now.
  3. you shoulda put the purple bud up mr. meanone
  4. Ya I didn't post that attached file to my comment I don't no where the fuck that came from
  5. anybody see the new shit on 28 yet
  6. YO bump my man sleepin in kings or where the fuck ever. hahah shits funny as hellll!
  7. Bump all the mha, plus batch holdin it down, shit is fresh. And word on postin that info about hgh epic, theres enough beef goin on here already no need for more.
  8. sweeet! yet another thread of people bitching..
  9. Bump that yetie hand. Nice Mha to.
  10. Hatedhomie


    Just remember, its a throwie quick n easy
  11. Some rough shit. Keepin this thread alive and kickin.
  12. yall are makikg this to complicated. Just get what ever color NON LATEX paint, thin it out with paint thinner, and put 2 drops of DOT3 brake fluid in. mix in a water bottle. Presto! Junobo ink. Put it in what ever you want, i personally like bingo dobbers. Now go destroy some shit.
  13. just so yall no, Jesse still be posted in pgh. Just a little inside info.
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