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Everything posted by Sevage

  1. Looking for criticism on my letter structure
  2. Looking for criticism on my letter structure
  3. Yea this sketch is damn good. I had to take a double look at this
  4. pretty fucking nice man..goddamn
  5. this is pretty fucking nice
  6. Yea it's looking good man, maybe play with the thickness of the bars a bit, and play with the flow of the letters more... I'm not feeling the extensions though
  7. S is the only part of the sketch I like...
  8. ^ Yep, nice stuff and possibly my new favorite alts sketch
  9. I'm supposed to paint it in a friends basement apparently unless you got some suggestions for it before i do that?
  10. Time to spice this thread up That just happened
  11. Are copics better than Prismas? And if so in what way? I need to get a new set but not sure if I should stick with prismacolor or not
  12. Sevage


    The stuff from 1887 is ridiculous thanks for that post
  13. Yea pretty badass man when is this battle done and is anyone else in it? i might end up adding some characters to my piece unless everyone else is done im kind of a slow ass mother fucker
  14. Yea I was just trying to help the guy out... Did I go and paint that sketch? No.
  15. Yea iunno... extensions are possible for it, just hard... lets see what you got ..this style is actually pretty fun to try to learn
  16. So Aspek, I gave your style a try and it was pretty hard for me too add extensions, seemed like the easiest way to go about it was loosening up on the letters, and exaggerating a lot more on them. My Sketch was kind of a fail but I think it almost gets some points across. One of the easiest ways to make extensions look like they should be there and are in the proper place is symmetry throughout the whole piece. Yea that style is just so opposite for me, I might give it another try.
  17. Aspek, that second sketch is not toy at all, lets see some sketches with extensions.
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