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Everything posted by YONEX

  1. The best way ive discovered is working for a major bank doing some online data entry. But ive got no idea how you would get such a job. All i know is my mate works 20 or so hours on the internet from home doing data entry for a bank, and clears 900$ aus a week after tax.
  2. Damn i love this thread, dope flicks Stan.
  3. that cropped flick is a saute right? post the full funk shot
  5. Anyone know what the go is with the Delhi metro? pm
  6. enough with the self promo Wories.
  7. Jebs was one of the most up i saw when i was last over.
  8. CHeers, so just keep the yoggin up? I might try a few sets of situps and pushups daily aswell.
  9. Im looking to get back in shape. I cant remember the last time i broke a sweat. Im not fat or skinny im just normal but am really unfit. Ive started joggin each morning but only get a block or two before i need a rest and walk home, but its slowly becoming better. Could someone suggest some simple workouts or something i should be doing to help get back in form?
  10. that old flat zombe style is just too good.
  11. I love this thread, you all eat way better than me.
  12. Keep em coming Classified, also any interior/exterior bombing on trains please.
  13. Looks like the work of fiddly bits black.
  14. Looks like a Belgium train, i could be sorely mistaken.
  15. Damn, thats funky fresh.
  16. I actually didnt mind that^^. I just watched Transiberian, was alright but nothing special.
  17. Small dinner for tonight, mixed vedgies, honey soy pork and homestyle chips. Pro Hart place mats, Niggaz know.
  18. Re: MELBOURNEGRAFFITI.com Anyone got the shit running Alemain tonight?
  19. Those Wein trains look so nice to paint, great looking trains.
  20. I just saw Defiance, was a good idea but i dunno they didnt really pull it off.
  21. Hey Schnitzel i like that your posting in all the picture threads now your unemployed, word up.
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