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Everything posted by redeyedanimal

  1. finally finished coloring. Got a little carried away... highlights added, thanks shaken.
  2. try doing simples... like BOME use bars to build letters, don't be afraid of the eraser keep width consistent throughout the piece dont use color yet, or arrows, or a 3d just do an outline in pencil of your outline... get basic structure down first holmes... maybe in a year or two you can do addons and connections.
  3. fowl gettin ill with it for sure. dope heavens. sicr kilin like usual
  4. i think there are too many addons, hence the 'forced' look. the basic structure isn't bad, but to me there is a little to much goin on. I really like a clean, strong simple, with a few addons.
  5. new legal spot/illegal painting posted in the toy paint thread. sorry for the quality.
  6. we should keep the pain the the paint thread and redirect people over there, to keep the seperation. I'm lookin forward to the new shit though holmes.
  7. yeah, his shit was kinda sloppy, but it came out ok. :D all together, pretty dope wall at the end of the day...
  8. false, youporn... tpbm is free of chemical addictions
  9. straight on the the des germ... shit was fire! "rush job"... haha.
  10. shit thanks, also between the k and e...
  11. freak, the D is kinda wierd, maybe make it more bottom heavy, like, skew the curved part of the D down more. I like the rest a lot though, shit's tight!
  12. kindof, in the kitchen attached to a bar. tpbm thinks liquor drinks are too expensive and would rather take a bottle home
  13. false, soon to be true... had to put it in storage for a minute. tpbm slept all muthafuckin day yesterday
  14. true... while on the interstate... the person below me has spit on cars from a crosswalk
  15. false, raining all day... tpbm has been confronted at home by the police
  16. western style requires strong letter structure, no matter the style. simples help to create the necessary structure. a lot of nonwriters might say they think your work is dope, then on here you're called a clown because the structure sucks. a good and bad idea is to post on a non-toy thread and see how much you get joked on. chances are you'll be humbled into simples from experienced writers.
  17. fuck yes. the person whom responds to this is an aetheist
  18. that's the basic idea, but the horizontal bars are too long. I can barely see the handstyle, but from what i can see, stick to basic letters for that too. what do you write? I might put something out there for you to work with...
  19. yeah, stick to simples for a while. it'll help you with structure. post of a simple and we'll crit that for you.
  20. if you have done keyboard simples already, you got out of them too soon. build your letters with bars, all of equal width. don't be afraid of the eraser. and don't do addons yet, stick to the basics for a while. How long have you been writin?
  21. is isto nc or does he just roll through pretty often? dude's a beast. also, nice picstream revwriter.
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