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Posts posted by redeyedanimal

  1. People in my family have tried to quit both cold turkey, and tend to go back to both within days because they have no stress relief/crutch.

    There is no harm in trying to minimize usage, but understand the mentality of addiction goes for all things for a lot of people.

    Nobody can answer that question for you, but I bet you have a good idea what is best for you by this point.

  2. hahaha, again, this conversation will go nowhere (online) except to miscommunication and misunderstanding.

    All i'm saying is a war against an idea/mentality cannot be won, and is only a scare tactic.

  3. It seems that everyone is more upset with the media coverage and hype than anything else.


    I have laughed at "The War on Terror" since that phrase was coined. We all know how well teh war on drugs has gone...

    Criminals = "Bitch I'll do what I want. If I wanna fingerpaint, I'm gonna fingerprint."

    Making things illegal only limits the freedom of the innocent. Criminals are free to do as they please, business as usual for them.

  4. 562440_455669594508970_213279963_n_zpsfbb4ac69.jpg


    I don't want to hear about the bombers, they are pieces of shit and deserve to die.

    I don't want to hear about how the 'Murican gubment planned this for their own benefit somehow.

    I want to hear about the people who risked their own lives to save total strangers.

    I want to hear about the people who are worth something, and act like decent people, y'know, the MAJORITY of the people involved.

    Media bias in this country is fucked.

  5. I have the advice of a practitioner with about 30 years experience, who sends her medicines to an lab analysis before suggesting anyone use them.

    She has found Seven Forests brand to read 100% pure, no fillers. That is why I had that disclaimer in my post, I cannot suggest anything to anyone, because I am a patient, not a practitioner.

  6. first after dao.


    but they made grenades in their house and used them against the police. Which means they do know how to make bombs. Which means there is no conspiracy this time.


    In most cases I think the government fucks everything up. And I do think this should have been handled differently. But I think they got the right dudes this time.

  7. Started feeling a lot better, taking Chinese/Eastern meds for my liver, kidneys and stomach that have no side effects, only keep the body in balance and promote proper function. I can offer suggestions to anyone interested, but only in reference to how they have helped me, I am not a doctor or practitioner and cannot say they will help you in the same way.


    That being said, I felt better and I fell off the wagon after one week. Currently drinking a beer, and I know it's not a good idea, and will take me back to where I was a month ago, and for some reason I'm still gonna finish this beer and have a couple more.


    Cunning, Baffling, Powerful.


    I'm sure I'll be in here bitching about how much shit sucks again soon. Because I'm a stupid fuck that likes hard knocks apparently. I got completely detoxed and went back again. But that's the story of the group I suppose, it just sucks to realize it.

  8. The doctors are finding ball bearings and nails and shit in the legs of the victims. Whoever made this bomb definitely wanted maximum carnage and shock effect.


    And apparently (so I hear) the cops are saying the guy on the roof was an officer of some sort.


    I think it is someone who is pissed of about this gun control issue in the US, and is showing the public that making guns harder to acquire will NOT change violence. Crazy fuckers can cause damage however they decide to, guns are just easier.

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