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27 Good
  1. dismissing her responsibility on that whole situation shows how much of limp wrist-ed submissive beta male you are.
  2. guess i am the only member supporting trump in 2016 oh well, i was born an asshole and still am. Bernie? No thanks, free everything? Free college? Fuck that I graduated with a masters in math debt free by working my ass off. I'll be damned if some entitled fuckhead gets a free ride to college without any hardwork. Hiliary...Are you kidding how is this bitch not in jail for the whole Benghazi deal? She's a liar and panders to any minority group for votes and acceptance.
  3. i think im from like 06, i know i had an account before this one, hell i havent logged into here in over 6 years...i found my old blackbook and it took my back to my prime days and then 12oz came up. heh
  4. lol why am i not banned yet? :X
  5. Our stocks tumble, our ocean bleed oil. Our President raises our taxes and spends more money then we have. He bails out Banks and companies that don't deserve it. North Korea wants to fuck with everyone. Kids getting out of college are now finding themselves in $300,000 in debt with no job to repay that. American's are fat, public school is terrible, we have no good role models, morals are dead, and television has made us increasingly stupid with all our bullshit reality shows. What's wrong with us 12oz? Why are we allowing this to happen to us? Why don't people wake up? Are we just going to let our world fall apart in front of us? p.s i just waked and baked :scrambled:
  6. From what I've seen reported all that's been done in response to this is S.Korea and it's allies going, "Erm..well...if this is done again, oh there'll be a proactive response." Why on earth isn't something being done to go and kick the shit out of Kim Jong-il? Is it fear of nuclear holocaust? Or do we let him quite literally murder a few dozen human beings without punishment?
  7. science will overcome religion, there is to many religions to many gods to choose its like a pick one and stick with it and hope its right kind of thing. the only thing i see good in religion is that it gives you a sense of hope, and you feel better about yourself esp. when your thinking about dying.
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