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Everything posted by amohster

  1. /albums/h302/bmorton15/television.jpg[/img]
  2. yea i missed the tribute thing. well i caught the last 2 mins of it. sully was crying and shit. and billy was wearing some iron gear?? idk but it sucks.
  3. amohster


    sometimes i go a day without showering but ill change and put deodorant on. it depends on what im doing. never catch me dirty when the gf is coming over tho!
  4. false. i haven't been to a show in months. tpbm has accidentally came on themselves while having sex.
  5. Re: COMPLIMENT THE PERSON ABOVE YOU - no homo is that a schnitzle in your pocket? or are you happy to see me.....
  6. i like the way my shirts fit after they are washed. more then a day they just feel weird.......all stretchy and what not
  7. amohster


    you are too fucking cute. fuck you. what i meant by that was. i've never heard of any beef between them so they must be pretty cool dudes. any other douche bag would start a fight over someone having the same 2 letter as them. don't make yourself look stupid. this thread is bad enough with all the worthless arguments. you dont have to drag my simple question into it.
  8. amohster


    random and rams. same two letter. are they cool with that?
  9. amohster


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