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Everything posted by loftgroover

  1. 39! My hair would be white as well with all that heat
  2. If you Yanks wore a Poppy anywhere chances are you'd be arrested straight off for opium cultivation, then spend 200 years in jail getting raped.
  3. What a bunch of fucking bigoted cunts. No wonder your country is fucked.
  4. Log off you fucking internet warrior. mug.
  5. Seen Chintz do something similar (Consequences 3??).. but dope anyway
  6. Good luck! Tie your laces and tighten your knuckle game.
  7. Do you think that every prisoner in Abu Ghraib is guilty? Do you think that everybody there has something to 'give up'? Do you think torture is a good way of extracting information? You seem to be implying that the rape of children in front of their parents, who are more than likely innocent, should be acceptable in future wars. I hope I misread your post.
  8. ^So good you had to repost the fucking thing 5 times? You never seen a wc before??
  9. Love how you label 5 minute subway spots as 'trash'. Go try rocking your generic MSK/Onorok/MUL wannabe wildstyle bullshit in 5 minutes. Fucking Seppo's. Get a clue.
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