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Everything posted by imwastefull

  1. bump sterk. i have a sinking feeling some certain someones are about to ruin this page.
  2. no hate here. dude is fine in my book. i'm just saying, right now your shit is like a weezer song. they're all the same.
  3. jesus christ... dont you get sick of painting the same fucking thing over and over and over. we get it... drippy garbage pail style. you're not the first and definetly not the best at it. gawd damn.
  4. that resp/typo/pope hopper is fucking on fire. goddamn!
  5. nice to see some Dkops. that red Rilla is the cleanest.
  6. i'm going to buy this entire thread keyboards without Caps Lock.
  7. that Webs is the Jam. p.s. can you retarded motherfuckers learn how to spell? aInt talkeing no shiit. U mad hommiess maike urseLVs Luk Liek IdiotstS. werd.
  8. this page is off to a great start....:confused: but hey, atleast its not some internet gangster bullshit beef bump flicks. kinda.
  9. that BEER is fucking fire
  10. HE IS. P.S., what the fuck are YOU doing with YOUR life? get off your Banksy Hate bandwagon. faggot.
  11. welp, you were talking about shittty american beers and Leinenkugel and Killians ARE shitty american beers. people think they're being worldly when they drink they're IMPORTS but not alot of people realize that Budweiser owns Stella, Hoegaarden, Becks, Bass, Rolling Rock and a heap of others. stick to micro-brews. or make that shit yourself. Fuck giant beer corporations. i also worked at a brewery.
  12. american rice beers? killians is now brewed by COORS. and leinenkugel is OWNED by MILLER. fuck outta here with your idiot ass beer knowledge. stay the fuck outta this thread.
  13. nahhhhh..... frat boys and idiots aside, St. Patty's day is still pretty fucking lame. Even IF you are REALLLY irish, what do you have to celebrate? alcohol poisoning and potato famine? irish culture is pathetic. a shit stain on the history of the world. Irish have contributed absolutely nothing to the world. They have no music, literature, art, language, cars, food, etc., etc., that is worth a damn. i'm english and my heritage contributed MASTER works of Literature, THE greatest rock bands the world has known, incredible cars and.... not to mention... the language we're all speaking. irish dont hold a candle to any other culture in the world. not just the english.
  14. should call this the "skinny bitches with small tits" thread.
  15. DONE takes the page. final.
  16. the picture is NOT banksy buffing the robbo piece... the point is that the stencil is a man PUTTING UP the robbo piece. not going over it.
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