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Everything posted by GLEN BENTON

  1. hoooray, my interwebs are back in working order! bump those ether flicks, bump stori rollers, bump skrew (look close, one is over an old loaf... ha, i'd be honored!) bump paid's progression... most of all, bump fud and gasm
  2. hmm... i have this flick too... and noticed the detroit on it too but i didn't think it was in detroit... if it is that's sweet...
  3. fud and gasm have the east side kinged... flat out.
  4. bump vatoe! triple og skateboards!!!!
  5. ha, it does say fat... loaf's not the fat one anymore though...
  6. NO, STOP IT. THAT'S NOT THE REAL PORAB. you can damn well tell that's not the real porab... there's some dumb 43 thing on it, a fake porab and a fake fbs, skor, and an epc and doke over that reft in the same color, not to mention the sweet "w" over loaf... 43? isn't that some toy crew from southwest? biting zew 42 extra hard? hmm... that fake fbs tag looks mighty like a 13 year old mexican with a stock cap did that... seriously though, what's with all the animosity lately? everyone's feelings must be hurt.
  7. no. these don't even come close to looking alike, aside from the background and a yellow halo... pretty generic color scheme if you ask me... besides are these even in the same country?
  8. here's more msk vts join ups in detroit... y'all can bitch some more... i ain't sayin' shit. stolen flick
  9. wait, so, what's this fine shit about? if you get busted painting or something??? whatever, anyway, army doesn't have no invisibility cloak, he could rock street sides with a miner's cap on and still get away with it... i think it's his magical black n milds...
  10. man, the first is funny, second is real funny (but i semi-agree) now the third is just ridiculous, i know army and deth might have something up their sleeves though...
  11. he shouldn't be^^^ must be some sort of misunderstanding...
  12. yes!^^^ bump BOOM! bump elmer! bump find! unbump garbage ass plutonium bullshit paint.
  13. ha, i still can't believe that someone's writing ridle... i'm not even hype on droids and i think that's funny...
  14. stop painting cocks in your shit and maybe someone would try to seek you out themselves rather than having to ask... -no homo god damn it, another fuckin' new page post! even worse, all i got is god damn sketch flicks, self fuckin' promo, jesus, i'm violating so many interweb rules... i'm a buster... garbage.
  15. this... i get that a lot too... that and people askin' me shit then not wanting me to know who they are... ;) whatever... (and speaking of people calling that kid a cop, what denotes who is and isn't a cop? some one who types phonetically? "yo dawg i rocked dat wall home-slice"... i think i'd be alot more suspect of fake bad grammar...) gnar, you are correct, iges rules...
  16. some dude just tried sellin' me some REAL bad bammer... don't give me no bammer weed...
  17. hmmm... i wonder who this is...
  18. ha! then you must really hate me! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i haven't "put work in" in forever and it feels great!
  19. hahahah, i don't think fbs can stop making fun of people long enough and i doubt the other dudes can stay tolerant long enough for anything to go down... i'm always down to chill with whoever, but i know there are nay say-ers on both sides that would rather quit than be around each other... whatev's, if anyone is bored, hit me up, i don't give a fuck. (although i may heckle you if i feel it necessary...)
  20. agreed^^^ and that picture of the kids jump roping in the yard makes me sad...
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