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Everything posted by ucmeround

  1. loving this bench...would like to see it updated!!
  2. another good bench....keep em coming!!!!
  3. lawrence fishburn is myans u idiots. known fact,
  4. new philly graff video!!!!!! better check it out!!!!
  5. awesome thread, seen a lot of people from philadelphia area!
  6. ok there dickhead. how about answering a question without being a fuckin smartass. whyu dont you post pics of trains' not some fuckin grimey ass bathrooms.
  7. yeah, but im curious if the coil cars travel far or what. are they worth painting???
  8. yes, thats them. what do you know about them?
  9. can someone please help me here. The white NS trains, that you need to stand on to paint, do they travel long distance? they are almost like a tanker but are whitish in color, you stand on them to paint, and they have a bar in the middle. do they travel long distance?
  10. I really wish boner would stop posting the same exact pictures over and over and over again.
  11. anyone got the pic of the fishtown star that galax made not to long ago- or a link.
  12. prob best graff video ever. http://www.bbwhunter.com/t1/NoProg=NoAdvert/trailers/Nina.wmv
  13. http://video.xnxx.com/video74250/fat_chick_cumshot check this out- new philly graff jawwn
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