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sausage party

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Everything posted by sausage party

  1. hate to break it to you dude but that video looks like its gonna suck dick. the skateboarding is fun but its all sketchy shit and the filming is god awful. end skate snob rant. check the homies shit. real shit brah http://deetmedia.com/
  2. this thread is ALMOST as cool ast the nsfw gif thread. propperd
  3. who has a problem with taking a shit at work? you must be a fucking faggot.
  4. milk grenades should celebrate by popping out those tittayz
  5. i like to take dumps in the top of the toilet where the water fills back up. iz called an upper decker. its funny.
  6. going to see them during sxsw. incredibly excited. /nh
  7. you guys secured this threads spot as the worst thread on 12oz in one page. congrats! DOES NOT mean i am going to stop visiting this thread. its a love hate thing.
  8. man i actually kinda like football. and im a faggot.
  9. you guys wanna fuck this jayo felony faggot up i know exactly what that little wannabe looks like! i wont even pm it to you guys since were "airing everything out"
  10. what the fuck yall know bout DANAVA??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chxQraZ9tuE this whole song kicks so much fuckin ass but listen to the part from 1:05-2:05 it is one of the most incredible instrumental breaks ive heard in a very long time. give it a listen promise youll love it fagg
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