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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. true -> mystery machine + velma tpbm would sleep in a cushy & posh double-wide coffin, lined with a remote adjustable mattress
  2. wanted a burrito after seeing that flick.. ended up getting a fajita & a burrito in the middle of the night got nice
  3. bouncing to get something to eat fucking starving
  4. wuda passed on the cough syrup, though.. eaten like most of those burritos & one of those bowls, then crack open the blunt eating a huge meal right after getting ripped usually just makes me feel like shit.. much better to eat a shit ton while sober before getting nice
  5. true. dont know if id feed dog food to seniors, though tpbm has seen a ghost
  6. you must spread some reputation around before giving it to massgraff again
  7. "botfly" cupcake with mango-flavored "puss"
  8. subway ticket machine in moscow accepts 30 squats as its payment
  9. false sometimes, the bacon strips shit actually smells kinda good. wouldnt try it, though as to not miss anything, tpbm has taken a discreet piss inside the theatre
  10. who was it that started the thread, with the only thing being a flick of them getting high with maeby from arrested development? also, this chick
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