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Everything posted by MedicineCabinet

  1. dat gif whos good enough to know how to work a KC hat/his long tee into that equation? lol.. remember when he posted?
  2. ^sleazy & characterless. if youre a friend of his irl who knows its his account, dont trust this guy. ever dont really have a question. peace dawg~
  3. probably will deny coming out of the bankers closet & say some cheeky bullshit like "right - we was just trying to test the loyalties of our fanbase. it was genius, really" ^ "oh, do fuck off" ok. calming myself down now because these fucks arent worth letting my day get ruined.. just gonna let nature do its thing do yo thing, nature
  4. trolling my ass.. straightup greed. the thing is, i dont even like them apart from a song or two. cant imagine how annoyed a real fan whos been following them for decades would be buncha delusional, money-sniffing, skeletal has-beens whove been surrounded by yes men for way too long note the david bowie-like half lesbian on the left. lol.. now look at that dead-eyed one second from the right.. what the fuck is that thing? seriously, just look at it again. & the one the rights still trying hard to be cool, hip, & full of personality for the cameras. its over, guy - just kill yourself
  5. really though.. the nerve to be able to say "2000 per ticket is perfectly agreeable to see us, because were so awesome & not a few years away from needing a wheelchair on stage" fuck. those. faggots maybe hell break a hip on stage & itll be worth it i believe you can find most of those candies at a 7-11
  6. pasta got a fancy little cake the size of a cupcake to go with it, but im saving that for after
  7. false. wouldnt be no best friend, then. or a friend tpbm would do such a thing. guess im just passing the question one post down
  8. 2000 to see some zombie mutter incoherently? they should go fuck themselves
  9. well, the chicago flowerbed ones fake. dammit. unless its just the worst photo impossible they did this, though - still cool http://webecoist.momtastic.com/2011/09/25/garden-to-go-vegetation-takes-over-chicago-train-car/ hank - "why would anyone do drugs when they can just mow a lawn?"
  10. ah word, there it is - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintetsu_Ikoma_Cable_Line i wanna ride this shit nice dont know where this ones from.. look at this lameass pod with significant data collection capabilities :rolleyes:. fit for a tpwf dracula. just fill with dirt & apple products
  11. idk. maybe theyre just "fancy" tpbm would wear a fur coat in front of a crowd of angry hippies looking to front & just smile at them while drinking a tallboy from a fur beer cozy
  12. had it once, it was pretty good. if you like pineapple. the bacon is choice, though. course they have non-infused ones that are just plain. plain amazing either way, fuck subway.. more so now, because $5 footlongs here dont including anything with bacon (pizza, veggie, meatball, cold cuts, & another one i cant remember).. also, people here are getting half their bacon ripped off from single meat orders, as opposed to the standard there? lame having some rice
  13. not as cool as the cat one (cant find it), but here a few random cool ones http://www.tofugu.com/2013/01/03/japans-luxurious-unusual-trains/ omg trainspotting thread
  14. subway bacon is the worst, it looks & tastes like the perfectly cut (but still wrinkled at the sides for the illusion of authenticity) microwavable ones, which i just cant get down with.. yeah, its 4 slices of bacon per footlong, assuming its a single meat order (further nh) but it doesnt even come close to covering the area inside the bun.. lets say were getting subs elsewhere that uses buns the same size as subway.. itd take at least 8-10 slices of bacon for me to feel that bacony crunch & actually convince me that im eating a blt try to find a meat market (capital NH) that sells that good shit... theres one here that sells thickass cuts, infused with other flavours & all. also, sausages with pineapple bits (with the juices injected in on top of that) now im craving an english breakfast
  15. want to sleep more but cant.. 6 hours is ok, i guess. doable still wanna know where that effing cat-shaped train is from
  16. wheres that cat train from..? japan? i have no further guesses
  17. stomach full of cantaloupes got me all cold.. secondary sweater required
  18. true tpbm is edgar ellen poe without the class
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